Sunday, May 30, 2010

Last full day in Paris

Dimanche (Sunday) kicked off with some very cool French cartoons as one must do when in town. Lach and I loved the local version of the Tasmanian Devil (Looney Tunes) cartoon. Absolutely hilarious tune ... "Oooooh, Diable de Tasmanie, aaah la Diable de Tasmanieeee". Lachlan will either end up totally confused or may pick up a bit of French with his cartoons.

Darrin dropped by first thing in the morning and most of the day was spent at the Lourve. The building itself is a work of art and it was fabulous to finally get to check it out from the inside after not having time during our last visit. Incredibly I ran into Megan, an old John Holland workmate just outside the entrance to the Mona Lisa section. There was quite the papparazi around poor old Mona (you really must feel for the other paintings off to the side, standing there totally ignored!). A beautiful building and an excellent experience.

From the Lourve, we walked beside the river to Notre-Dame (see, there was a point to my weird circuit yesterday!). Sunday Mass was underway inside, and unfortunately my French was good enough to go to confessional (and we don't have all day). Like our last visit, we lit a candle for Dad, before making our way back.

Right now we're downing pizza back at the hotel, before Darrin and Daniel head out for the night to paint Paris rouge!

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