Friday, July 2, 2010

Victory to Holland (World Cup)

When we first arrived in Holland on Tuesday, the first thing we noticed was the sea of orange (even more so than normal). If it could be made in the national colour of Holland you'd see it in orange everywhere. Anyone would think the Dutch like their football (soccer to the Aussies). In fact, at a quick glance, the residential streets looked like massive construction zones with orange flags draped everywhere (see pic).
Today (Friday 2 July) was Holland's big day with the sudden death quarter-final World Cup game against Brazil. The latter started well and scored the first goal within 10 minutes, leaving Holland scoreless for the first half.
Sofie and Daan had a few friends around to watch the game at 4pm at their house and the streets were silent - at least until Holland scored their first goal soon into the second half. Another goal gave victory to Holland 2-1 and knocked out the fancied Brazil. Holland now meet Uraguay on Tuesday with the winner through to Sunday's final. As temporary Dutchies, we'll have to find somewhere to watch the game when we're in London next week.
Daan hired a keg the day before and there was no shortage of Heineken and chocolate (still left over from our visit to Switzerland) to go around. We finished up the game with the Dutch version of fish & chips, but with things like krokets and frikandels which we all love.
After dinner we joined Daan as his support-crew for his weekly game of softball. His team was called Rooswijk (in green) and the opponets were Badhoevedorb (loosely translated as the Rose Garden vs the Bathhouse City). Unfortunately the Rose boys didn't repeat the victory of their national team, with a close loss (OK, it was 17 to 2!). Perhaps they need a more imposing name as it's a little hard to be scared by the Rose Garden team. Daan then took us for a drive around the nearby ports and around his work before we returned home for an early(ish) night for change.

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