Sunday, June 13, 2010

Back to Lyon

On Saturday 12 June we were going to stay at a chocolate maker or vineyard with the campervan. It's part of a thing called France Passion where you can stay free at farms around France and while I'm sure many of them are great, we had a fair bit of trouble getting to them with bridges too low for the campervan, or in the case of the chocolate place, no-one around after 5pm to make sure it was OK to stop for the night. So, after travelling a couple of hours back south to Lunel near Montpellier to drop off my hire bike, we then decided to go another 3.5 hours north to our start point with the campervan - Lyon. After a 500km (ish) round trip, we were glad to find a caravan park in Lyon for the night.
Today (Sunday 13 June), we caught up on the domestic chores of clothes washing which I did with the kids while Sandra toughed it out cleaning up the campervan for its return tomorrow, and repacking our suitcases. As I really needed to get the kids out of the way for Sandra, I toughed it out by the pool at the caravan park instead. While we've had a couple of weird heavy rain downpours later this afternoon, while we were at the pool earlier the weather was great as it has been for nearly the whole trip so far.
But tomorrow we farewell France and get the train from Lyon to Geneva in Switzerland (back to motels). After a couple of days in Geneva we then go to Luzern and then over the border to Austria later in the week where we can't wait to catch up with our friends Sofie and Daan from Holland who will share a place with us for a few days there.

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