Thursday, June 24, 2010

Video: Running up Austrian mountains

I've resolved to run in as many cool locations as possible during our trip and while I've loved running in Paris and along the Medetterean coastline in France, a run 3/4 of the way up the mountain of Hohe Salve in Austria was awesome for a whole new reason.
Here's part one of a video I took while taking the ski lift down to the base at Hopfgarten to start the run ...

This run was particularly 'cool' for a very different reason. Not only because it was constantly raining during my run, but because the temperature dropped to 5 degrees at the base (and presumably a lot colder as I went up). The scenery was breathtaking (and so was the running). This was serious altitude training and very tough with the steep up hill climbs that the car could only do in 1st and 2nd gear the whole way up though I don't think I got out of first. The 5km run took me just short of 37 minutes which is very slow by normal standards, but considering it was a 600m climb with very few flat bits I was happy (plus I 'had' to stop to film the awesome view). Here's part two of the video ...

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