Monday, June 14, 2010

"Retard probable"

As the spokesman for a train company back home, I just love it when people tell me "the trains are always on time in Europe ... they're so wonderful ... why can't Victoria be like that?" Well, well, well, have I got some interesting responses to those gems.
The trains in France at least range from brilliant to hopeless and not much in between and we've probably caught about a dozen trains so far. Just once before today have we had our ticket checked so fare evasion must be rife, and while we have had several perfectly on-time trains we've also had a couple of shockers. Our train to Monte Carlo broke down at Nice last week so we had to wait for the next one, and today our train from Lyon to Geneva (via Aix en les Bains - the 12:41 on the picture) was 40 mins late to the point where we missed our connection and had a two hour wait at Lyon Part Dieu Station for the next one which was packed as a result.
I took this pic because I thought the sign was pretty funny in the circumstances when there's a delay like the first train listed. For an English speaker, "Retard probable" is a pretty apt description of the circumstance (though I probably shouldn't spoil it by giving the translation "delay likely" because I prefer the English version!).

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